Keller Williams Realty Portland Elite - Bev Blume
De luxe
Bev Blume
Keller Williams Realty Portland Elite
Clackamas, OR
Número de llicència: 200712177 - OR / Oregon Licensed Broker a les The Blume Realty Group
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Els meus detalls
CENTRE DEL MERCAT Keller Williams Realty Portland Elite

Sobre mi

The TEAM you want on your side! Every client has a special circumstance or story. Bev cares deeply about understanding your story, your background or your situation, your needs and then your goal! Then helps build the "game plan" for bridging that gap. After all buying and selling real estate is one of the most important Financial and Emotional transactions you'll do in your life. Why wouldn't you hire an agent who can not only guide you step by step through the process, but also to care about your investment and money as if it were her own! Bev has been involved in the residential construction industry for a large portion of her professional career. As an owner of a custom home construction company, Bev has always had an eye for the details. Always providing top notch customer service and making sure customers are 100% satisfied with their investment. Her evolvement into real estate has been timely and beneficial to both buyers and sellers. She has a special knack about property value, quality of construction and what it takes to make properties shine. She educates her clients so they are able to make quantified and educated decisions on their own regarding their purchase or sale of property. She is a fierce and powerful negotiator. Always with her client's interests in mind, she manages to keep both parties on amicable terms and conditions until the deal is done. Mission Accomplished! At the end of every transaction her clients feel they have made a friend for life and are proud of the purchase or sale they have just accomplished.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Bev Blume
Número de llicència: 200712177
The Blume Realty Group

Contact Me
Keller Williams Realty Portland Elite
12901 SE 97th Ave #300 Clackamas, OR, 97015

Bev Blume
Oregon Licensed Broker 200712177
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